Saturday, 26 February 2011

Heel de wereld.

Now, let me introduce you to the world around me. Or, the other side of my world that most people know (I have introduced you to the dark side first). So, I was born on a bright sunny Thursday noon in August, 12 and a half years ago (as of when this blog was written). I currently go to a school called High/Scope Indonesia, the main school in TB Simatupang. Anyway, I have good friends there.

|>--------------------------------MULTILANGUAGE VOID--------------------------------<|

Oke, jadi my friends in h/s ada banyak, tp yg gue (lumayan) deket tuh diantaranya:

Nibras. Pinter. Rajin. Baik. Gapernah musuhan. Seru.
Arsy. Biasa. Seru. Klo ga ada dia sepi. Suka melucu. Beatboxer. Musuhan sm Bryant.
Joseph. Nyebelin. Suka ngaku2 tinggi sambil jinjit. Dia sok segalanya. And he always repeats some certain stuff. Tiga hari lebih tua daripada Aldo. Shortest 7th grader in class. Nerd. Heavy gamer.
Aldo. Tinggi. Banyak temen. Seru. Sering ke singapur. Dari keluarga Tambunan. Iseng. Suka ngatain org. Terutama Nudia.
Hilmy. Tinggi juga. Banyak temen. Anak baru.
Nudia. Gendut (same like me sih). Paling sebel sm Aldo. Suka gambar. Temennya Ayasha, Clara, Anya, Stella, Angel, Jasmine. Paling tua di kelas.
Ayasha. Baik. Saudara sepupunya Arsy. Tinggi.
Clara. Pinter. Org jepang. Lumayan Tinggi. Baik.
Anya. Baik. Banyak temennya yg 'cowok'. Blog:
Rizky. Rajin. Pinter. Baik. Meskipun adik kelas, dia udh seperti dewasa. Kidal.
Umar. Paling muda/kecil di kelas. Ternyata dia tinggal di Tanjung Mas juga. Pinter (sehingga dia gak kls 4 klo gak salah).
Megan. Suka lucu kadang2. Enak klo diajak ngomong (jgn salah ya). Klo mau bicarain rageguy (that internet meme ex: FFFUUUU) paling enak sm dia. Tinggi.
Ella. Temennya Megan. Dia klo sm Megan suka bercanda. Anak 6 paling tua di kelas.
Medina. Rambut keriting. Agak nyebelin tp seru2 aja. Her blog:
Nindi. Punya kembar, namanya Ninda. Tinggi. Fans Justin Bieber. Temen deketnya Sabrina. Unik and strange in a good way.
Sabrina. Tinggi. Temennya Nindi. Also unique and strange.
Fabian. Bkn 6-7 B. Pinter. Suka membantu klo ada pr. I also help.
Sasha. Non 6-7 B. Cat lover. She also reads Geronimo Stilton. Temennya Saskia.
Bill. Baik tp kadang2 nyebelin.
Asoka. A buddhist. He always uses english.
Billy. Anak baru. Baik. I just made friends with him during community work, so not much to say.
Armand. Lucu. gemuk. Kinda childish. Pokemon lover.
Arvel. Pinter. Kadang2 nyebelin.
Adi. Anak baru. Pinter (it was later revealed that his parents are lecturers).
Rafyn. Agak nyebelin kadang2. Baik2 aja.

Other people at school, 67ABC:

Dhira. Pendiam. Suka bicara sm Yessica.
Citta. Temennya Megan dan Ella. Alisnya nyambung.
Irfan. Agak pendiam. Temennya Rizky, Umar sm Bryant.
Bryant. Baik. Musuhan sm Arsy padahal yg musuhan Arsy. Bryant gpp.
Dicky. Baik. Susah ngejelasin Dicky. Stands out in a crowd.
Raken. Agak pendek. Almost like Dicky. Lebih rame. Agak nyebelin kadang2.
Deep. Likes manga. Jarang senyum.
Saskia. Temennya Sasha. Baik.
Laras. Temennya clara. We just met this noon.
Adizsa. Baik. Mengerti perasaan orang.
Angel. Baik2 aja. Best friendnya Stella. Temen lainnya Nudia, Clara, Ayasha.
Stella. Taller than Nico. Baik. Popular.
Nico. Shortest in 6-7 C. Kadang2 nyebelin.
Adjie. Temennya Nico. Suka main sm Nico, Daffa, sm Raihan.
Daffa. Suka mobil-mobilan gitu. Kadang2 nyebelin juga.
Raihan. Gemuk. Baik.
Kei. Anak baru, Banyak temennya. Baik. Temennya Jasmine, Nudia, Alyssa.
Yessica. Temennya Dhira. Agak pendiam.
Armann. Tinggi. Seru2 aja.
Adrian. Banyak yg suka sm dia. Mantannya Anya. It's his birthday.
Audrey. Tinggi. Not much to say. Biasa2 aja.
Jasmine. Tinggi. Temennya Nudia, Kei, Angel, Stella, Tatjana (i think)
Daniel. Pendiam banget, bicara klo bener2 perlu, itupun ga keras suaranya.
Akira. Org jepang juga. Baik.
Colin. Agak nyebelin. Anak baru.
Rico. Suka bikin2 berita. Masuk pnc. Bad. Really bad. Suka perang.

I will update later in the morning, it's time to sleep. #GoodNight!

#GoodMorning! OK so here are the rest of the people in 67ABC:

Ivy. Temennya girls kls 6 67 A&B.
Eina. Baik2 aja. Temennya Laras and Nina.
Edo. Ok. Biasa2 aja.
Nabila. Biasa. In medina's blog she is described as 'similar to one of the witches from "The Witches" by Roald Dahl.
Nina. One of Eina's friends.
Nadine. Temennya Ivy.
Ashley. Tadinya pindah tp ke h/s lagi. Suka jb-jb.
Andira. Temennya Ivy juga.
Ninda. Bukan kembarannya Nindi. Klo emosi bisa parah.
Aka. Biasa aja. Temennya Deep, Adrian, Armann, Akira, gitu2.
Nara. Biasa2 aja. Kadang2 suka pake jaket.
Brian. Baik2 aja. He likes fingerboarding.
Ian. Kakaknya Fariz. He's more to internet stuff like Anti-Justin Bieber. Youtuber.
Ajeng. Temennya Laras and Eina. Baik2 aja.

Other people at school, non 67ABC:

Adeta. Kadang2 nyebelin. Anak baru.
Rayyan. Biasa aja. Suka iseng.
Tassya. Adiknya Alif.
Matahari. Baik2 aja.
Tobias. Adiknya Tatjana. Half-German.
Jeven. Kakaknya Arvel. Pinter.
Alif. Suka iseng. Kadang2 nyebelin. Kakaknya Tassya.
Indra. Menderita cacat mata. Suka ngiler. Dependant on everyone.
Iyay. Agak childish juga.
Fariz. Kakaknya Ian.
Wima. Temennya Jeven.
Rofi. Seru. Suka nyebelin.

People at school last year:

Ryan. My best friend. Pindah ke Binus. We still talk via twitter.
Brian. Anak 67C. Pinter. Farmville player.
Krishna. Balinese Hindu.
Farhan. Best friendnya Joseph. Gak bisa ngunyah makanan.
Missy. Half- Swedish. Farhan and Joseph particularly hate her.
Mael. Best friendnya Raken.

OK, so that's it, I may add again in the future.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Walking in the Streets in the Rain

So, yes, I finally did my community work, seru! The field trip was even more better with mushrooms. Eh, I'll be back, I wanna try that mushroom pudding.


Oh, there it is.

Ah, yum. Anyway, we went to this school and had to present a presentation. Then we went to the mosque just a few decameters away and we had team building (i think). Pokoknya seru. The bus was even better. The next day we had a field trip to this mushroom cultivation center. Since we were the second )and final) group, we didn't get to taste the sate and kripik. Udah abis, laku semua. Tp yg jelas I bought what's left of the mushroom. That's 1/4 kg of oyster mushrooms, payed in cash. The change was 15000 and 2 1000 puddings. Though they were mushroom, ternyata enak. WAIT, didn't I tell u already?

Oh well, anyway, tommorow we will cook the mushrooms (after washing it). Yeay!

Ok. Back to topic. Jadi, kita tuh nginep di villa namanya Jambuluwuk. Bagus deh. There's practically everything u need. We slept at the Sumatra section. Cowok2 yg lain tuh, yg gitu2, mereka tuh main bola klo sempet. Makan enak. Tidur di double-bed. Main seru. TV berbayar. It was so fun, I didn't want to go home :(

Well, anyway, what has happened has happened.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

If We Give A Little

Yes, I know, I haven't introduced you to my world yet. Or have I? I don't really remember. Anyway, tomorrow, there will be this event called community work (where we all somehow contribute to some people (usually a school) that's in need of help). Yeaah. I should be sleeping by now. Gue udah niat tidur cepet. I'm gonna procrastinate, I guess. Ahh, yaudah sih. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Well, this year, they decided to join it with the fieldtrip. Alhasil NGINEP!
YEAAAAAAY! Oke, itu lebay. Kita mau nginep di Jambuluwuk. Itu tuh villa punyanya Ms Nurida, our vice principal. This just came in today. My villa will be the Palembang villa. Anyway, I haven't told you about the field trip. Anyway, it will be to this mushroom greenhouse. I just realized that I'm excited mostly about the Jambuluwuk. Also the part where we have fun with friends. Ok now I'm deg-degan, I can just...Fell The Beat!
Oh, and yes, the title of this blog post is that of the Ralph Siegel song that represented Switzerland in 2006.

Anyway, I should go to sleep now, with all that excitement I should be able to sleep now.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Jeg rev et blad ud af min dagbog.

I am just a boy, one of the weirdly, strangely average ones.Of course, here in Indonesia, my taste for most things are strange, particularly Eurovision. Oh, I do love Eurovision. And I do love to tweet.

#nowwatching The Grammy Awards

All I wanted to hear was Justin Bieber's newly puber voice (or that's as the rumour goes).

Personally, I think Eurovision is better. WAY better.

So the Eurovision song contest is...

I'm too lazy too tell everyone.

Snowdrops and Daffodils

Hello. Wait, I'm on the wrong blog. Ah, oh well. So, anyway, I'm Indrajit Joyosumarto (just call me Ajit), and this is my new official blog (the previous ones were TOTAL DISASTERS), so, well, yeah. And I am a fan of Eurovision. Thus the title of this blog.

Wait, that means I'm NOT on the wrong blog...

Oh, and if you see the 'Contributors' section you'll notice 2 people. 'Anonymous' is my original email, and 'Ajit' is from the email that was created due to the fact that I created another youtube account (for a reason that I forgot).